
People Drone Photography : Readers of websites are no doubt familiar with breathtaking photos of luxury real estate. But, have you ever looked at one of those photos and said to yourself, “I wonder how they get a camera all the way up there?” The answer to both those is drones. Drones are smaller and more easily customized than any other areal photography setup that has been seen before. As Randy Scott Slavin, a writer and director who is one of the people pioneering the drone photography

People Drone Photography :

Readers of websites are no doubt familiar with breathtaking photos of luxury real estate. But, have you ever looked at one of those photos and said to yourself, “I wonder how they get a camera all the way up there?” The answer to both those is drones. Drones are smaller and more easily customized than any other areal photography setup that has been seen before. As Randy Scott Slavin, a writer and director who is one of the people pioneering the drone photography

Readers of websites are no doubt familiar with breathtaking photos of luxury real estate. But, have you ever looked at one of those photos and said to yourself, “I wonder how they get a camera all the way up there?” The answer to both those is drones. Drones are smaller and more easily customized than any other areal photography setup that has been seen before. As Randy Scott Slavin, a writer and director who is one of the people pioneering the drone photography


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