Drone Homemade :
How To Build a Drone Building a Drone is Easy as 1-2-3 with this tutorial youll learn how to build your own racing drone in just a few minutes with this informative video. Hope you enjoy this tutorial of the Rotor Riot Edition RaGGe WBX v2. Find the extended build video @ www.youtube.com/… Support more content like this- become my Patron on Patreon ift.tt/2J6Z3BS and together with your support we can create some amazing content together! Posting early content releases along with all new giveaways and raffles! Check out early premieres on AirVuz.com/user/ZoeFPV ad free! They help sponsor me & my projects all while helping create one of the best communities for pilots and drone content. Support the ones that support the community! #unitedwedrone Join the conversation and lets digitally hangout together! Live on Twitch.tv/Dronelicious where I get really weird with you Chill and chat with me @ ift.tt/2pUyOWf Follow my kwad pron on ift.tt/2J7Zqfe Find me on Facebook ift.tt/2pVnQjz 2090 Zoe FPV UCvlTQTasvJQ9quf6QCoJb3Q drone tutorial source drone tutorial … best racing drone build diy drone Drone Footage Drone Racing fpv homemade How to multicopter multirotor quadcopter racing tutorial uavfutures #dronestagram #drones